Cancellation Prior To Shipment

If you cancel your order(s) before it ships from our warehouse, you will not be charged any additional fees. We require a cancellation request to be submitted by Email at

Once the cancellation request is received, a full refund will be initiated. We would advise a cancellation request within 12 hours upon your order submission in order for a cancellation prior to goods shipment.

Return Policy

The following are the policies to be eligible for return requests after shipment/ receipt of goods:

Orders are returnable within 3 working days starting from the day the goods are delivered to you if they are incorrect, damaged or defective.

Only items that have been purchased directly from AMG WORLD SDN. BHD. Online Store can be eligible for a return. Any AMG WORLD SDN. BHD. Online Store product purchased through other retailers is not eligible for this policy and must be in accordance to the respective retailers’ returns and refunds policy.

Goods are eligible for a return if the following are applied:


The item is not the item you ordered. Wrong size or the colour is different from what is indicated on the order summary, or there are missing items inside the packaging.


The items is found to be damaged upon receipt. Items has been tampered/refurbished or modified. Customers will be responsible for all shipping charges to return goods. Returns are applicable only for a complete AMG WORLD SDN. BHD. Online Store product. Returned items must meet the following requirements:

– The item must be shipped back to us within 7 working days upon receipt. (as provedby the postal or courier receipt).
– You have proof of purchase (order invoice number and receipt).
– Item must be in new condition and returned in its original packaging and free giftsreceived with it. All packaging must be unused, unmarked and not defaced in any manner.
– Item must be returned in the original box (or with, at least, suitable packaging) to protect the Product from damage during return delivery.

Change of order and cancellation of order will not be permitted once payment has been confirmed. Any cancellations due to a change of mind will not be accepted.

We reserve the right to reject any cancellation, refund that deemed unfit or unreasonable.

Refund Policy

Your full refund will be issued once we have received and examined the returned goods at our return center. Once the returned goods fulfil our return policy, the full refund will be initiated. The method of refund will be processed depending on your original payment method:

– Online Bank Transfer, full refunds will be credited into your bank account via online bank transfer, which should be posted within 3-5 working days.
– Credit card refunds services, refunds will be sent to the card-issuing bank.

Kindly contact your card-issuing bank with regards to the duration of the credit refunds.